Ključ ogrlica!

Vrijeme je da iskoristite ostatke lakova za noktiće koje ne koristite, bolje u novi projekt nego u smeće zar ne? A sigurna sam da imate i nekoliko ključeva u ladici kojima ne znate podrijetlo…… Ništa više vam ne treba da se počastite novom fancy ogrlicom. No dobro, možda metar lanca…… no i s tim ćete se nekako snaći zar ne?

Check this out…

Everyone knows a creative mind opens many doors, and we’ve got the key, actually, Fossil does! They have been using vintage keys throughout their collections since day one to inspire, incite wonder and unlock curiosity and endless fashionable possibilities. So in the spirit of DIY, we decided to add a modern, color-blocked twist to this iconic, timeless object to celebrate Fashion’s Night Out! 

To create:  gather vintage keys in various sizes.  Use nail polish in a variety hues and paint small sections of each key.  Allow to dry and add each to a chain.  Mix and match and layer as many as you like!

 P.S.- Join us! Create your own versions our of color-blocked skeleton key necklace with Erica on Fashion’s Night Out at Fossil Times Square- 1585 Broadway at 47th Street, 6pm-9pm.

Umjesto da lanac direktno zavežete za ključ, mudrije je na ključ prvo staviti jednu metalnu alkicu jer će lanac vremenom izgrebati obojani vrh ključa. Ja kažem alkica, a zapravo se radi o ringiću :) You know what I mean…. :) Meni tu nekak’ fali još samo jedna satenska mašnica…..igrajte se! Foto & tutorial via psimadethis

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