Otkačene modne ideje!

Za sve mlade (ali i one malo starije) djevojke koje su zaljubljene u pomaknute i glamurozne detalje…….pronašla sam nekoliko zgodnih tutoriala, sigurna sam da će vam se svidjeti i možda nadahnuti da i sami pokašate napraviti nešto na tu temu. Mnogi vole diskretne i šarmantne detalje kada je moda u pitanju, no isto tako znam da ima mnogo onih koji će se odlučiti i na neke hrabrije komade, pa evo drage moje, ovo je post upravo za vas! Klik na sliku odvest će vas na izvorni tutorial!


Prozirna clutch torba sa zakovicama!

DIY mašna od filca i pailetta!

DIY Sequin Heart Hairclip

Ušminkajte okvire za naočale!

Napravite krznenu ogrlicu!

It’s the dead of winter and with single digit temps becoming the woeful norm, that same ol’ scarf might be becoming a bore. Fear and shiver not; we’ve got the purrrfect solution! Inspired by our favorite animal patterns and Kelly Wearstler’s unique playful Fido Fur Collar, this DIY accessory will have you prowling the streets feeling crazy cozy. 

To create: Draw a collar template in the size and shape of your preference. Trace the template with a Sharpie on to the faux-fur fabric; cut out with scissors. Repeat to create two identical collar cut-outs. Glue the back of the two pieces together. Once dry, slice a small opening with scissors on both ends. Screw the spikes onto either ends of the chain. Attach to the collar by sliding the spikes through the slits.

Jam while you design your DIY’s and click here for our P.S.- I made this..Playlist: Volume 3, once again collaborating with our talented friends, The Jane Doze.

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